Included in this set are two 3D printable files: 1 Shipping container and 1 Office Container. The files are currently scaled for Gaslands 1:64 (20mm) however you could absolutely scale them up for your favourite 1:56 (28mm) game by increasing the scale to 114.29%
Shipping Containers & Construction Site Office
By downloading this file you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
With your purchase, you are licensed to physically print these files for your own personal use. Selling, sharing, or uploading the files where someone else could gain access is prohibited. Printing copies for other people is prohibited. If you are required to transfer them temporarily to a printing service for the purpose of printing a copy for your own personal use, you have permission to do so. However, that entity does not gain any rights to use, modify, distribute, or do anything other than print a copy of the files for YOUR personal use.